Daily D – Luke 23:18-19

Luke 23:18, 19 Then they all cried out together, “Take this man away! Release Barabbas to us!” (He had been thrown into prison for a rebellion that had taken place in the city, and for murder.) (CSB)
Luke 23:24, 25 So Pilate decided to grant their demand and released the one they were asking for, who had been thrown into prison for rebellion and murder. But he handed Jesus over to their will. (CSB)
We teach our children not to bully other children. We comfort our children when they are bullied. We expect schools, churches, and other public gathering places to be bully-free zones.
And yet, we keep electing bullies, hoping they will make things better somehow.
People have a bad track record on this issue. We don’t like bullies unless they are beating up people we don’t like.
The people of Jesus’ day didn’t want a healer and a prophet; they wanted a bully, a rebel, a warrior, a murderer.
They needed Jesus, the Prophet, Priest, and King. They preferred revenge. The Romans were powerful and persistent. They never let the Jews forget who was in charge. The Jews, in turn, never let them forget how much they hated them trampling the Promised Land.
If you strip away all the details and plot lines, the bottom line is this: People prefer to play God than to bow to God.
This is a trap. It never ends well. Ask Adam and Eve. Ask anyone with the presence of mind who will honestly assess their own lives. It’s hard to be a god when everyone else thinks they are gods.
Peace is possible. We have everything we need for peace on earth. God’s provision is fully available, but we prefer a more protective and defensive stance. We imagine we will live peacefully when everyone sees things like we do. Since that’s never going to happen . . .
Jesus the Prophet spoke words of truth and life.
Jesus the Priest became the ultimate sacrificial lamb to take away our sins.
Jesus the King rules and reigns in the hearts of those who choose the gift of life he offers.
We need more truth, life, sacrificial service, and authority based on perfect love. We need more Jesus.
I will align myself with the Prince of Peace.
Our Father, please deliver us from the bullies of our world. Please forgive us for our bullying lifestyles, for electing bullies, and for desiring more bullies who will fight our battles for us. May your kingdom come and your will be done so that there is no more room for bullies. Empower us to spread the peace of your presence as you express your grace, truth, and love through us. Amen.
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