Daily D – Psalm 119:59

by | May 2, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 119:59 
I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws. (NLT)

When I took a long, careful look at your ways,
I got my feet back on the trail you blazed.
(The Message)

Every day calls for calibration. Every day requires a sequence of events positioning us to accomplish our purpose. The bad news? Plans seldom perfectly follow our intentions. The good news? Those who plan accomplish more than those who drift. Set your feet on the trail God blazed for you.

Today’s path sends me first in one direction and then another. The plan is for it to end where it begins. The points along the way where I will stop include lunch with a friend’s son, a walk with leaders whose opportunities are accelerating, and a casual gathering of acquaintances becoming friends drawn together by their mutual desire to know and experience God more richly and fully.

This is the kind of plan you celebrate as you lie down to sleep at night.

How is your calibration going?

What is your sequence of events?

Where will God’s path lead you today?

Great Adventures most often begin with single steps. Take a good, long look at the ways laid out before you. Set your feet on the path God blazed for you. Live in God’s strength. Serve those he brings into your life. Celebrate with those who share your purpose. Give thanks as you lie down to rest and prepare for another great adventure.

I will set my feet on the path God blazed for me.

Our Father, please direct my steps today. I want to go with you at your pace and for your purpose. I do not want to get ahead of you, fall behind you, or swerve to the left or right. Keep me in step with you so that I may know your heart and mind and use my hands to serve your great purpose. Amen.


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Psalm 57:7, 8
“My heart is confident in you, O God;
my heart is confident.
No wonder I can sing your praises!
Wake up, my heart! Wake up, O lyre and harp!
I will wake the dawn with my song.”

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Psalm 56:3
“But when I am afraid,
I will put my trust in you.”