Daily D – Luke 10:1

Luke 10:1 The Lord now chose seventy-two other disciples and sent them ahead in pairs to all the towns and places he planned to visit. (NLT)
Biblical leadership is not limited to a small group of men who keep the circle tight and exclusive. Spiritual leadership is entrusted to all who will prepare the way for Jesus, who will announce the Good News, and who will work at gathering his harvest.
The Apostles of Jesus could not carry the load of the Good News all by themselves. Pastors and church staff members cannot carry the load all by themselves today. Discipleship is an all-play sport.
The word “other” in this verse draws our attention back to Luke 9:1, 2. Jesus sent his twelve disciples out to “tell everyone about the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” In chapter 10, this commission is extended to “others.” They carried out the ministry the apostles had previously carried out. (See verse 17. See also Jesus’ reaction to their obedience and effectiveness in verses 21-24).
Here is a Great Assumption: If you know Jesus, and if you know people who do not know Jesus, Jesus is sending you to help those you know who don’t know him to help them know him like you know him.
Sentness is not a special calling; it is every believer’s calling. Each of us is an Ambassador of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20, 21).
Who will you bless today with the Good News of Jesus? How will you live sent, live on mission, for the rest of your days?
I will live with a conscious awareness of sentness.
Our Father, thank you for drawing me to yourself. Thank you for family, friends, and others who showed me the way. Use me to help others come to know you and experience you. Amen.
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