Daily D – John 17:4

by | Dec 29, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

John 17:4  “I have glorified you on the earth by completing the work you gave me to do.” (CSB)

I glorified you on earth
By completing down to the last detail
What you assigned me to do. (MSG)

Our two-year-old granddaughter spent the night with us last night. It is still night for her. I thought I heard her cough a little before 4 AM and checked on her. She was fine. The light from the hallway woke her. She looked up and smiled and lay her head down again to sleep. 

That moment was a little bit of heaven on earth. 

Sleep did not return to Yours Truly quite so easily. In fact, I am counting on a nice nap to make up for the rest missed over the last couple of hours. 

Another email caught my attention when I checked the email for today’s prayer concerns from Operation World (operationworld.org). One of these morning missives will be published in the next edition of biblicalleadership.com. It is about finishing well based on Job 31:38-40. 

Mere moments later, I read the verse above in Jordan Raynor’s Redeeming the Time devotional in the YouVersion Bible app. Finishing well is a good and timely topic for today, Sunday, December 29, 2024. 

Jesus finished well. His high priestly prayer in John 17 testifies to this. His resurrection and ascension testify to this. 

Finishing well is harder than it seems like it ought to be. How many leaders are we hearing about these days who are not finishing well? It feels like more finish poorly than otherwise. This is true in politics and the pulpit, business and entertainment, and every other endeavor under heaven. 

Job and Jesus finished well by being who God created them to be and doing what God created them to do. They didn’t try to be who they were not. They didn’t try to do something beyond their assignment. Instead, they listened to God, sought God with the highest intensity and deepest reverence, and lived and loved in a manner that honored him and served others. 

Job was the same man of integrity and character after his suffering that he was before. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. 

Finishing well, it appears, is largely a matter of knowing God deeply and keeping in step with him daily no matter the weather, the circumstances, or the challenges. 

How will you finish this year well?

How will you prepare to finish next year well?

How will you live now to finish your life well someday? 

These are questions worth pondering in a personal prayer retreat. Now is a good time to get started on finishing well someday. 

I will finish well.

Our Father, I will not finish well on my own. My desires seek to lead me off the path you have marked for me. Bless me with better desires, desires that keep me close to you. Empower me to live the kind of life you can bless so that I am a blessing to everyone I meet. Give me pure desires and a singular purpose. I want to maximize the life you have given me and help others do the same. Amen.


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