Daily D – 2 Chronicles 5:11-14

by | May 11, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

2 Chronicles 5:11-14  Then the priests left the Holy Place. All the priests who were present had purified themselves, whether or not they were on duty that day. And the Levites who were musicians—Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and all their sons and brothers—were dressed in fine linen robes and stood at the east side of the altar playing cymbals, lyres, and harps. They were joined by 120 priests who were playing trumpets. The trumpeters and singers performed together in unison to praise and give thanks to the Lord. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals, and other instruments, they raised their voices and praised the Lord with these words: “He is good! His faithful love endures forever!” At that moment a thick cloud filled the Temple of the Lord. The priests could not continue their service because of the cloud, for the glorious presence of the Lord filled the Temple of God. (NLT)

Psalm 46:10  “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” (NLT)

Revelation 7:9-12  After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes and held palm branches in their hands. And they were shouting with a great roar, “Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!” And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living beings. And they fell before the throne with their faces to the ground and worshiped God. They sang, “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and ever! Amen.” (NLT)

Revelation 8:1  When the Lamb broke the seventh seal on the scroll, there was silence throughout heaven for about half an hour. (NLT)

Sometimes our most meaningful worship is encased in silence. Sometimes the only way to know and experience God is to be still and to lean in to listen. 

You may have heard about the time God had a conversation with Elijah at the mouth of a cave (1 Kings 19). There was a mighty windstorm, a powerful earthquake, and a consuming fire. “And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper,” (verse 12). 

Hearing God is more about leaning in to listen than how loud is his voice. The power is in the words that create worlds, that deliver truth, that provide direction, that are ultimate in nature. 

Sometimes our best worship is sealed with silence. 

Sometimes our best worship is gentle.

Sometimes our best worship is found in the peace of his presence, acknowledged and welcomed and revered. 

Silence in God’s presence is good for our souls.

I will quiet my soul so that I may more clearly hear God’s gentle whisper.

Our Father, please give me ears to hear. Give me ears sensitive to your whisper. Give me a welcoming, waiting disposition. Give me the discipline of solitude and silence. Speak to me now in the quietness of this moment. Amen. 


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