Daily D – Psalm 139:5

You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. PSALM 139:5 (NLT)
I look behind me and you’re there,
then up ahead and you’re there, too—
your reassuring presence, coming and going.
The Message
My bride is taking a drive today to a region where the humidity will take the curl out of a Frito and mosquitoes sing in chorus on Christmas Day. This area also has some of the worst traffic in America. Pondering this among my first thoughts of the day, I was reminded of this text and others like it.
God goes before us to prepare the way. He follows behind us to protect us. He is with us all the way. There is no place we can go that he is not already there, no journey we will take that he does not surround us.
When we know God, love him, and seek to honor him with our lives, what could be more comforting? This is one of those psalms that has meant so much to so many for such obvious reasons. If you ever wanted a psalm to commit to memory alongside the 23rd, here is a fine candidate.
John the Aged Apostle wrote, “And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for,” (1 John 5:15). When we agree with God about what is good for us, we get what we ask from him. When we pray for God to be with us, we know this is something that is already true and our Father’s loving Yes has already been answered. Why bother asking then?
We pray about what we know to be true in part to remind ourselves of this wonderful reality. We can move from asking God to be with us to thanking him that he never abandons us or forsakes us. We can acknowledge his fully-present reality in every circumstance. We can praise him for he alone knows all about us (Psalm 139:1) and loves us without limits.
Where are you headed today? Our Father in heaven is already there.
How will you get there? Our Father in heaven will go with you.
What challenges will you face? Our Father in heaven will protect you and provide for you.
What do you need? Our Father in heaven will place his hand of blessing on your head.
Live fearlessly and joyfully. God is here wherever Here is.
I will live fearlessly and joyfully.
Our Father, thank you for going before me, for surrounding me, and for providing for me. I have your word on it — I am never alone. Thank you for this wonderful evidence of your deep and loyal love for me. It removes fear and replaces it with joy. Amen.
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