Daily D – Psalm 119:160

The very essence of your words is truth; all your just regulations will stand forever. PSALM 119:160 (NLT)
The British New Wave group Naked Eyes released a song in 1983 entitled Promises, Promises. Inside the lyrics you find words so appropriate in every election season:
You made me promises, promises
Knowing I’d believe
Promises, promises
You knew you’d never keep
Politicians and their parties are blank slates upon which we write our hopes and dreams. Some of us have seen enough elections to see through the smoke and mirrors and sleight of hand. Some of us hopefully, gullibly believe what is spoken at campaign rallies and in those incessant television ads.
The good news is we can find words that stand the tests of time. We simply need to know where to look. Do not seek them in a newspaper. Theirs is another agenda. Do not seek them in party platforms. Do not seek them in most academic settings. God’s words of truth and life are found in one robust compendium called the Bible.
God’s truth is true for all people everywhere in every age. It does not change season by season like political correctness. No one can build a certain future on the shifting sands of conventional wisdom.
Truth liberates. It provides dependable guidance. It protects from harm. It makes possible beauty and wonder, freedom and joy.
You and I need more truth. We require more stability. Our Father in heaven provides all we need in the pages of the Bible. Do not look at the Bible through the lens of this age, instead, look at this age, and every other, through the pages of the Bible.
I will seek God’s truth day by day.
Our Father, I choose the simple beauty of your enduring truth over every competing claim. Your words of truth and life endure the tests of time. They are rock for us to stand upon. They free us from misleading and manipulative speech. Give us the disciplined consideration of your truth day by day and moment by moment. Amen.
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