Daily D – Proverbs 30:10

Never slander a worker to the employer, or the person will curse you, and you will pay for it. PROVERBS 30:10 (NLT)
The sign in front of the church said, “You can’t build yourself up by tearing others down.” Those were the right words at the right moment when I read them years ago.
When someone slanders another, saying something false that damages his or her reputation, it can cost that person his or her job. That’s the point of this verse. Saying things that get someone fired so that you can move into their position has been going on forever and ever. So has retribution.
Let’s flip the script. We can encourage and strengthen our coworkers to the point they are promoted and thereby create an honorable vacancy we can apply for. This makes our coworkers and employers grateful.
The best way to build up yourself is to build up others. Make others better. Teamwork makes the dream work.
A group that does more good than just about any other I know met for annual planning recently. The leaders of the different areas within the organization gathered to determine how to work together with more creative collaboration. They walked away with a plan and a process that will empower them to do that. This will make them even more effective in the years ahead.
There was no jealousy in the room. Nobody pushed his or her way to the front. Each one wanted to know what the others were doing and how they could contribute from their positions to the benefit of the others.
They built up one another. They will build their organization. They will expand their ability to provide life-changing service near and far.
To serve the whole world, serve those most closely connected with you.
To bless the whole world, bless your family, your neighbors, and your coworkers.
This proverb says that when you slander someone, “you will pay for it.” They will pay you back. Again, flip the script. When you encourage and strengthen others, they will pay it forward.
Every Thou Shalt Not has a Thou Shalt. Who will you encourage and strengthen today?
I will encourage and strengthen others.
Our Father, empower me to build up others. Empower me to help others live lives of maximum expression. Amen.
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