Daily D – Genesis 17:1-2

by | Jan 17, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to him, saying, “I am God Almighty. Live in my presence and be blameless. I will set up my covenant between me and you, and I will multiply you greatly.” GENESIS 17:1-2 (CSB)


You are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream.

I love this quote. Another one is like it: 

It is never too late to be what you might have been.

Abraham was ninety-nine-years-old when God spoke these words to him. He became a father a year later. God changed his name from Abram (The Father is Exalted) to Abraham (Father of a Multitude).

How could this be for that old man and that old woman? 

“I am God Almighty.” God introduces the name El Shaddai to Abraham. It means, in part, that God is all-sufficient. Our Father in heaven has no needs. He lacks nothing. There is nothing we can give him that doesn’t already belong to him. 

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not lack.
Psalm 23:1

The instructions God Almighty gives to Abraham here are for Old Abe’s benefit. God tells Abe to “Live in my presence and be blameless.” The word translated “live” is literally “walk.” This is a journey, not an event. This is about day-to-day decisions and activities, not about one day a week set aside for God. These are life-giving habits. This is a lifestyle. 

God Almighty tells an old man and his old lady that he would multiply them greatly. Abraham would become the father of many nations, people groups. Sarah (Princess) would join him in this blessing. “I will bless her, and she will produce nations; kings of peoples will come from her.”

God Almighty turned an old man into Exalted Father. He turned an old woman into Princess. He used them to bless the whole world. And it all started at what they otherwise thought was The End.

Sometimes it seems the weaker, the more dependent we are, the more powerfully God can use us to bless others. You get the idea that it is all about him and not all about us. That’s a good idea. 

What can our limitless God do in you and through you? How can he bless this world with someone like you? How can he bless you? Some changes may be necessary. You may need to live up to your name. You may need to give God more conscious attention all day every day. You may need to learn to love who he loves and join him in his work of building a better world.

God Almighty will supply all you need. There is nothing he will withhold as you live in step with him aligned and attuned to his will and ways. 

Consider this: The best part of Abraham’s life was the part that began at age one hundred. What if the best part of your life was about to begin? What if this were your season of exponential multiplication? Nothing is impossible with God Almighty (18:14). Do you trust him? 


I will walk with God Almighty and trust him to provide all I need for all he asks.


Our Father, God Almighty, we belong to you. Adjust our lives that we may live in step with you. Draw us ever closer to your heart. Lead us on this journey. Use us in whatever manner you see fit to bless your world. Amen.


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