Daily D – Ezra 1:1

In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia, the LORD fulfilled the prophecy he had given through Jeremiah. EZRA 1:1 (NLT)
I am off to a late start with this missive today due to an early medical procedure. Still under the lingering effects of anesthesia, I dare not write much. Last time I had this procedure I sent a text I would not have sent under more normal circumstances.
Do yourself a favor. Go back and read Jeremiah 29. Most of us know verse 11. Read it again in context. Notice verses 4-7. Pay close attention to verse 10. Do not miss verses 12-14. This chapter is full of riches to ponder and to commit to memory.
Fast forward to Ezra 1:1. God kept his promise. Things happened just the way he said they would during the reign of the person he named (Isaiah 44:28; 45:1).
As we draw near to Christmas, we are reminded of other promises made, other promises kept. As we consider the incarnation of Jesus, the crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, we are reminded of promises made then which will be kept.
Our Father in heaven is a promise keeper. Hold on through dark days and pandemics. The best is yet to be.
I will wait on God’s promises.
Our Father, you make and keep promises. We have so many which have been so wonderfully fulfilled. How could we not live in delightful anticipation of something greater than Christmas, greater than resurrection, greater than ascension? Come, Lord Jesus! Amen.
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