Daily D – Psalm 52:1

Psalm 52:1
Why boast about evil, you hero!
God’s faithful love is constant. (CSB)
Why do you brag of evil, “Big Man”?
God’s mercy carries the day.
(The Message)
In this precarious political season, it’s good to remember that intrigue is not one of heaven’s high values. It is the opposite of the simplicity and trust characterizing God’s desires for his people.
Doeg the Edomite, an outsider who wanted to be an insider, saw an opportunity to ingratiate himself with King Saul by telling him David’s path as he fled from Saul’s presence. (See 1 Samuel 21 and 22.) David saw Doeg and knew what he would do.
Doeg had the opportunity to help save a life or to end one. He chose death.
Doeg was likely looking for a promotion and a reward. He was looking to get ahead, to move up in the organization at the expense of the anointed future king of all Israel. (See 1 Samuel 16:1-13.)
David understood what Doeg did not. God’s loyal love is faithful to the end and beyond. That love builds up, protects, and defends. That love starts the day strong and finishes the day stronger. That love seeks the highest and best for its object.
Those who align themselves with God’s faithful love beautify the world. They make it better as it shapes their thoughts and motives, their will and their work. Their outcomes bless everyone.
As this political season shouts its headlines all day long, remember that God’s side is the side of grace, mercy, and peace. God’s side is the side of faithful love and enduring mercy. Seeking another’s doom is most decidedly not God’s side, whether that doom is bought with bullets or a swift kick to the curb. Honorable results never arrive on the wings of dishonorable methods.
Palace intrigue gets good ratings. Add sex and violence, and you have a winning formula. The only problem is that everyone loses when we mirror the mindset of Doeg the Edomite. Ratings go up, yes, but ruin also comes down.
Jeremiah, who got swept up in the political intrigue of his day, said,
This is what the Lord says:
The wise person should not boast in his wisdom;
the strong should not boast in his strength;
the wealthy should not boast in his wealth.
But the one who boasts should boast in this:
that he understands and knows me —
that I am the Lord, showing faithful love,
justice, and righteousness on the earth,
for I delight in these things.
This is the Lord’s declaration.
(Jeremiah 9:23-24 CSB)
The Apostle Paul, who likely died at the stroke of a government sword, agreed when he wrote,
So let the one who boasts,
boast in the Lord.
For it is not the one commending himself who is approved,
but the one the Lord commends.
(2 Corinthians 10:17-18 CSB)
Live a commendable life, a life God can bless.
Live the kind of life that honors God and blesses others.
I will exchange intrigue for blessing, words of death for words of life.
Our Father, please give us wisdom on how to live in an honorable manner in this season of political intrigue. Deliver us from the temptation to make things worse for anyone. Deliver us from the wish for harm to come to those who disagree with us. Empower us to find common ground and stand on it. Show us your preferred future for us all and the path toward that peace. Remind us as often as necessary to reflect your love, mercy, kindness, and compassion. Transform our hearts so that we delight in what delights your heart. Amen.
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