Daily D – Psalm 32:8-9

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 32:8, 9 
“I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with my eye on you, I will give counsel. Do not be like a horse or mule, without understanding, that must be controlled with bit and bridle or else it will not come near you.“ (CSB)

”Let me give you some good advice; 
I’m looking you in the eye 
and giving it to you straight: 
Don’t be ornery like a horse or mule 
that needs bit and bridle to stay on track.” (MSG)

True freedom comes from following God’s wise counsel. Choosing the path he lays out for us is much more effective, efficient, and enjoyable than attempting to do God’s will our way. Our way lacks his perspective and provision. Our way requires constant and necessary redirection.

True freedom is expressing fully who God designed us to be and participating in his life development program uniquely provided for our individual lives. 

True freedom is aligning our hearts and minds with his. Seeing things as he sees them clarifies our vision. 

True freedom is attuning our hearts and minds with his. Experiencing the emotions of his perfect love drives out the desire for any temporary feelings offered by artificial sensations that leave us as flat as last night’s uncapped soft drinks.

God-sized lives require God-directed paths.

God-sized lives seek God-guided lifestyles.

God-sized lives overflow with God-sourced goodness. 

Spit the bit.

Toss the bridle. 

Live in freedom by keeping in step with Jesus.

I will live a life of true freedom.

Our Father, your counsel, your path, your intention, and your purpose for my life are what I want now and forever. Empower me to live a life of true freedom as I seek your counsel, walk your way, become all you dreamed I would be, and accomplish all you set before me. Amen.


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