Daily D – Numbers 12:3

by | Feb 12, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Numbers 12:3  Moses was a very humble man, more so than anyone on the face of the earth. (CSB)

Numbers 13:33  We even saw the Nephilim there — the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim! To ourselves we seemed like grasshoppers, and we must have seemed the same to them.” (CSB)

There are two kinds of humble people. There are those like Moses who embrace the place and the grace of God’s provision — nothing more, nothing less — and there are those who see how small they are in light of the giants in the land. One lives confidently while the other cowers. 

Dave Adamson has a great explanation of humility you can find here: [https://bit.ly/3SSCTcr]

Moses won the Most Humble Man award by hearing and obeying God. He wasn’t perfect in this regard, but he was way above average. His most glaring failure was on full display for all to see. So was his grief over what his disobedience caused. 

The ten spies who were sent into the Promised Land and returned impressed, yet terrified, could only see what the giants saw. They were nothing but grasshoppers attempting to evade the stomps of those intent on squishing them. 

Humility born of God-confidence turns teenage shepherds into giant killers.

Humility born of other people’s assessment of who we are turns giant killers into roadkill. 

Fill the space God has placed you by activating the grace he has given you. 

When you are afraid, consider where the source of the fear. Can you stand in that place in the full assurance of God’s grace? Or, are you where you do not belong facing an opponent that is not yours to fight? Moses and David Before He Was King stood in the place God’s path led them into. They performed their responsibilities with the grace God provided. Giants fell. 

Forty years after this misadventure on the part of the Hebrew slaves standing on the precipice of the Promised Land, they finally got around to entering the land God gave them. Do you remember anything about Anak and the Nephilim (giants) during their conquest of that land?

Sometimes giants are only big, bad, and buff in our fearful imagination. Other times, they are gone, gone, gone because God said he would make a way where there seemed to be no way. 

Which kind of humility is yours? 

Choose God’s place and receive God’s grace.

I will go where God sends me and trust him to prepare the way before me, prepare me for the journey, and provide whatever I need whenever I need it, even in the face of giants.

Our Father, you are bigger than any giant I will ever face. I want to be where you want me to be at all times. I want to do what you want me to do in every moment. Lead me by your Spirit. Deliver me from my fearful estimations. Empower me for all I will face. I will stand secure in the grip of your amazing grace. Amen. 


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