Daily D – Genesis 50:19-21

Genesis 50:19-21 But Joseph replied, “Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you? You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people. No, don’t be afraid. I will continue to take care of you and your children.” So he reassured them by speaking kindly to them.” (NLT)
Some people are not worthy of our kindness. It is wise at this point to remember that neither are we worthy of God’s kindness. Yet he is kind and compassionate, his mercies are new every morning, and his perfect love and endless purpose is always active in shaping us into all he dreamed we would be.
It’s instructive and refreshing to note how the final word on Joseph’s life is one of kindness.
He was kind to the very brothers who despised him so greatly that they thought long and hard about killing him. The only thing preventing them from doing so was a greater drive toward financial gain.
He was kind to the brothers who came to him in great need.
Here was a test of character. Would he treat his brothers the way he had been treated? Or, would he treat them the way he wished he had been treated? He treated them the way he wanted to be treated. And he promised to continue doing so for as long as he lived.
The kindness God builds into our lives as we grow in his grace is enduring. This fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22, 23) is evidence of the effects of God’s love working its wonders into our souls. Kindness is how God’s love leads and responds, how it compels and corrects, how it grips and embraces.
In this world full of social media bullies, political bullies, little bullies, big bullies, and even pastor bullies, God wants us to engage and respond with kindness. It is how his love works itself out of us when we have opportunities to behave much differently.
Kindness attracts. Kindness comforts. Kindness encourages. Kindness enhances patience. Kindness emboldens truth and wraps it with grace.
What the world needs now is the kind of love that makes people kind. We find this love flowing from the heart of God alone. He is its single origin, its single source, its endless repository. He lovingly ladles it on all who say, “Please sir, I want some more.”
Breakfast with a friend is on the agenda today. I will happily turn up my coffee cup to receive that beautifully bold black goodness that enhances both my happiness and kindness. I will remember to ask as well for God to pour more of his kindness into my life so that everyone I meet experiences at least some measure of our Father’s great love.
Turn up your cup for a refill of kindness.
I will ask God to build his kindness into my life.
Our Father, one of the characteristics of your great love is kindness. I invite you to fill my life with your loving kindness. Make me kind to everyone I meet. Soften my speech. Tenderize my reactions. Satisfy my expressions with words of edifying kindness. My cup is turned up. Pour into me that I may overflow with kindness in all things. Amen.
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