Daily D – 1 Kings 14:12-13

by | Apr 7, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

1 Kings 14:12, 13  “As for you, get up and go to your house. When your feet enter the city, the boy will die. All Israel will mourn for him and bury him. He alone out of Jeroboam’s house will be given a proper burial because out of the house of Jeroboam something favorable to the Lord God of Israel was found in him.“ (CSB)

Jeroboam was a pacesetter. Sadly, he ran the wrong race.

All of Israel’s kings after him were compared to him. He was the one who set the nation on the wrong track. His successors made sure they sped the train toward destruction. 

How bad was Jeroboam? The only male in his family given a proper burial was his son who died while Jeroboam was still alive. The boy was the only one in the whole family God could find anything favorable within. 

You may know someone, you may even think you are that someone, who has nothing good in him or her. You may consider that person beyond redemption. God sees what you and I cannot. He knows when there is an ember of hope. He patiently, lovingly blows on that ember until a flame grows into a blaze of renewal.

Who in your mind is that person beyond hope? Ask God to stoke a fire of redemption in his or her life. Keep asking until you see it become so. 

No heart is so black that God cannot paint it white.

I will pray for those who appear beyond redemption.

Our Father, your grace is amazing. May those who come to mind when we think of those we consider beyond your reach come to know you and experience you in all of your goodness and glory. Drive the darkness out of their souls. Fill them with your light and life. Redeem them now and forever. Amen. 


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