Daily D – Nahum 1:7

Nahum 1:7
The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him, . . . (NIV)
The Lord is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him. (NLT)
GOD is good,
a hiding place in tough times.
He recognizes and welcomes
anyone looking for help,
No matter how desperate the trouble.
(The Message)
Many people only discover how good God is in life’s most difficult moments. They turn to him when he is their only hope. If I were God, I would play a little more hard to get. Aren’t you glad I’m not God?
Are you going through a tough time? Turn to God. Discover his heart. Seek his help. Find in him a hiding place, a refuge, a rock of safety, a sure defense, a protector, defender, provider, and lover of your soul. These are only a few of the many expressions of his perfect love for you in all your imperfection. These are only a few of his attributes he deploys as needed in his perfect timing.
If you have not experienced him in this way, it is because you have not placed your trust in him. To place your trust in him, pray like this: “Help.” Or maybe like this: “Please, help me.” Also, you could say, “I am afraid. I will put my trust in you.”
The movies and television shows tell you to put your trust in you. “You’ve got this!” Trust me, there are moments when no, you do not “got this.” You may have heard the old song that says, “He’s got the whole world in his hands.” This is true. They never (truthfully) sing this song about you. Or me.
He’s the God who parted a sea and a river at flood stage and let people pass through on dry ground. He’s the God who provided water from rocks and manna from heaven. He’s the God who shut the mouths of lions and opened the grave. Tell me again what you’re facing that’s too big for God?
He’s the God who said, “Let there be light,” and there was. Its first rays are crowning this morning with glory as these words form on the screen before me. This new morning brings his new mercies. He does this every day.
He’s the God who is also known as The Giver of All Good Things. One of his best gifts is not saying, “I told you so” to weak and frail and fearful souls like yours and mine. Instead, he says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light,” (Matthew 11:28-30).
God invites himself into your problems and perplexities because he is The Ultimate Problem Solver. Nothing is too big for him. Nothing is so insignificant it escapes his notice. He is with you right there in the middle of your mess. Let God be God. Let him be your God. Let him be your savior, rescuer, deliverer.
He who brings beauty from ashes will bring joy through your challenges and amplify it to others.
He’s got this. And he’s got you. Get going to him now.
I will trust God from the bottom of my heart.
Our Father, as King David prayed so long ago, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” Thank you how we can trust you with everything at all times now and forever. Thank you for how David prayed, “in God I trust and am not afraid.” He had ample opportunity to test out these words before he scratched them on vellum. Teach us how to stand on these time-tested truths. Teach us how near you are now and forever. Please forgive us for forgetting. Amen.
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