Daily D – Luke 8:53-54

They laughed at him, because they knew she was dead. So he took her by the hand and called out, “Child, get up!”
LUKE 8:53-54 (CSB)
Dead at twelve years old. Alive again later that same day. Here we have another person with two dashes on her tombstone.
What would other children, parents even, ask a girl who had been dead? This is not hard to imagine. You know some curly-headed boy asked, “What was it like to be dead?”
Another question, maybe not considered by anyone but her was when it came to die again, would she awaken to see Jesus there again? Would everyone be delighted to see her? Would she get up at once and enjoy her family and friends? Would Jesus tell them again to give her something to eat? (See verse 55.)
Dying is as simple as going to sleep and awakening in another world surrounded by those who love you most and welcome you best.
There is an old song called, Live Like You Were Dying by Tim McGraw. I confess I may be the only person in the good ol’ USA who has never heard that song. You may be shocked at all the songs I have not heard in the last few decades. I’m guessing this is a lament, a song sung sad. I’m guessing it is about loss and all that is left behind.
I’m also guessing a girl who would have been forever twelve years old but was raised to live a normal life lived with an orientation quite different from Mr. McGraw. I’m guessing she lived leaning toward death and all that lay beyond her last nap. I’m guessing she looked forward to seeing Jesus face to face again, to see that smile, to awaken to a brand new world full of delight, absent of all pain.
When we meet this little girl, all grown up and welcoming everyone to heaven, we can ask her all of our questions. Maybe there is one for us to ponder even now: What is it like to live, really live, when you are no longer afraid of death?
This curly-headed boy wants to live like that.
I will lean toward the end because it is the land of beginning again.
Our Father, thank you for children who remind us of the limitless possibilities of life. Thank you for this child who reminds us that awakening to Jesus is worth dying for. Amen.
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