Daily D – John 10:27-28

My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand.
JOHN 10:27-28 (CSB)
We turn to these verses most often to remind ourselves or to instruct others that salvation is something Jesus gives and our Father in heaven holds onto for us (verses 29 and 30). We cannot earn salvation or keep it. Jesus does all the work. That’s good news.
Tempting as it is, let us not skip over verse 27 in our hurry to get to verses 28 and following.
Deep and satisfying relationships are built upon the foundation of knowing and being known. The deeper the relationship, the fewer the words necessary to communicate and to experience common delights.
Those who expect to hear Jesus, who acknowledge his guidance, and who respond in concerted effort with him demonstrate that they truly know him.
Today is a good day to lean in to listen to Jesus. Draw near. Ask him to speak to your heart. Read his words of truth and life. Notice what he is saying to you. Attune your heart to him. Align your response with his direction. Seek his strength for what he asks of you. Trust him to be true to his nature and character.
I will listen for the voice of Jesus.
Our Father, thank you that you fill every hungry heart. Give us ears to hear what you are saying to us today. Give us willing and obedient hearts to do what you say. Give us deep and abiding faith that what you want for us is better than anything we could want for ourselves. Give us the strength we need for all that is before us. Amen.
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