Daily D – Isaiah 38:17

Isaiah 38:17 Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back.
One of God’s best gifts is perspective. Our blessings stand out like diamonds against black velvet when we persevere through anguish.
One of the wisest men who has influenced our staff is Tom Paterson. (Follow this link for Tom’s story: [https://patersoncenter.com/heritage/]) Paterson was the creative genius behind the ATM, Disney’s Space Mountain, and so much more. He was a genius at planning and execution. He strongly believed in perspective before planning.
We cannot take our best next steps until we fully appreciate where we are and how we got here. Isaiah 38 and its parallel passages illustrate this truth. (See 2 Kings 18-20 and 2 Chronicles 29-32.) Maybe this is why God showed up after Adam and Eve’s disobedience with the question, “Where are you?” (See Genesis 3:9.)
Maybe this is why God asks Elijah, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (See 1 Kings 19:9, 13.) Maybe this is why Jesus had his conversation with Peter after his denials. (See John 21:15-19.)
Where are you today? What is right? What is wrong? What is confused? What is missing? What are the two or three core issues placing you in your present posture? What do you require to move from where you are to where you need to be?
Tom Paterson provided the questions in the paragraph above following “Where are you today?” These questions help us gain the perspective we need to take our best next steps. Mondays are good days to pause and plan before hitting Play. Five to fifteen minutes of planning provides a runway for successfully launching into a new day and a new week.
As you plan, ponder the bigger story currently in play. What do all of your yesterdays make possible today? How is God leading you into a special future of his unique craftsmanship just for you? What responsibilities and opportunities does this present? How will you get started?
Perspective prepares us for purpose. Planning provides a roadmap for God-honoring success. Prayer keeps us focused on what matters most. Take time now for perspective, planning, and prayer.
I will remember what God has done for me as I plan with him what he intends for me while I prayerfully engage all things he sets before me.
Our Father, thank you for all my yesterdays and the evaluated experiences of what is now past. Thank you for this day and all the adventures before me. Give me your clear direction so that even when it feels like I am wandering, I can know I am not lost. Amen.
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