Why on earth are you here?

by | Jan 1, 2018 | YouLeadU, Younique | 0 comments

Why on earth are you here?

Has anyone ever asked you that question? If you ever hear it in a harsh tone of voice, you may find yourself tempted to shrink back and away. (Been there, done that.)

Have you ever asked yourself this question? If so, how did you answer it? Maybe you are still working out the answer, gathering bits and pieces of insight along the way through podcasts, books, lectures, and life hacks.

Will Mancini has a new blog post entitled Life Mission Statement 101: Why You Need One (http://bit.ly/2Ak4d84). Will helps us think more deeply and precisely about the big question of the meaning of our lives. He promises to write more on this subject in future posts. He also has a forthcoming book on the topic and developed a personal mission and vision process with Dave Rhodes called Younique (www.lifeyounique.com).

My first encounter with the Younique process was in September 2016. I have helped quite a few people give voice to their life mission statements along the way through personal coaching and life planning. My own mission statement has evolved over the last fifteen years. It has gained clarity and precision. Younique helped me shape my mission into its most motivating form yet.

I help people experience maximum expression of their life stories.

Everyone has a story to live and to tell. Have you ever noticed that the first book in the Bible, Genesis, is not a theological treatise along the lines of John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion or Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics? Instead, it is made up of stories about people who are all too real and relatable. Adam and Eve have a less-than-ideal marriage. Adam doesn’t bother to name his wife until after the Fall, even though he named all the animals and birds as God brought them to him.

Cain tried to manipulate God with his offering. That didn’t work, so he killed his brother.

Real people; real problems. Why does God teach us theology in this manner? It may have something to do with the fact that we relate better to stories than theological propositions in large books with tiny print and no pictures.

Every one of us is part of God’s epic poem (Eph. 2:10). Each of us has our role to play, our work to accomplish, our success to achieve. Together, in God’s strength and with his resources, we can make something of our lives which honors God and serves others.

What’s your story?

Your life has more significance than you know. You have more meaning than you imagine. How can you maximize your story in such a manner that people see how good God is and find within themselves the capacity to positively influence their corners of the world?

Walk through a life mission development process. Write and commit to memory a mission statement as unique as you are. Make sure it reflects who you are in every context like your home, your work, and your leisure. Consider your personality and strengths, your giftedness and experiences.

Most importantly, live on mission wherever you are, whatever you are doing. That is how you maximize your story.


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Daily D – Exodus 13:17-18

Exodus 13:17, 18 When Pharaoh finally let the people go, God did not lead them along the main road that runs through Philistine territory, even though that was the shortest route to the Promised Land. God said, “If the people are faced with a battle, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” So God led them in a roundabout way through the wilderness toward the Red Sea. Thus the Israelites left Egypt like an army ready for battle.

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