Daily D – Luke 11:14-16

by | Sep 6, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Luke 11:14-16  One day Jesus cast out a demon from a man who couldn’t speak, and when the demon was gone, the man began to speak. The crowds were amazed, but some of them said, “No wonder he can cast out demons. He gets his power from Satan, the prince of demons.” Others, trying to test Jesus, demanded that he show them a miraculous sign from heaven to prove his authority. (NLT)

Some people are impossible to please. To them, miracles are like Lay’s Potato Chips. No one can eat just one. No one is satisfied with one miracle. Jesus has to produce another to prove the first one wasn’t a fluke. I mean, anyone can get lucky now and then. 

Seeing is not always believing. 

Notice the wording in verse 16. They were testing Jesus. They were demanding a miraculous sign. There is an obstinance on display that might lead us to conclude these people wouldn’t believe Jesus if he died and rose again. 

What does Jesus have to do to gain your approval? 

How many miracles of Jesus will it take for you to stop worrying and start trusting? 

It’s a good day when we see Jesus for who he is and acknowledge that everything he does is good and pleasing. It’s a good day when we are satisfied with Jesus, making no more demands and trusting him completely. 

I will live a good day in light of who Jesus is.

Our Father, you have nothing to prove. You are good and do what is good, right, just, and compassionate. We can trust you with all things at all times. Empower us today to live with quiet confidence and dependence. Amen. 


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