Daily D – Psalm 37:37-38

Psalm 37:37, 38
Watch the blameless and observe the upright,
for the person of peace will have a future.
But transgressors will all be eliminated;
the future of the wicked will be destroyed. (CSB)
Here is a psalm for the days in which we live. It is as relevant now as when it was penned over two and a half millennia ago. These two verses speak to our current political climate, don’t they?
Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us that the arc of history bends toward justice. Here we have God’s word on it.
Classify yourself: Are you a person of peace or one of those other guys? It’s a good time to choose the right team. To be clear, this is not about political parties. This is about ultimate reality.
Here are thoughts to ponder: What does a person of peace look like? What does he do? How does he or she behave? What difference does this kind of person make in their homes, communities, and the larger world?
I will become a person of peace.
Our Father, empower me to live a peaceful life. Use me to bear your peace into every gathering. Make me a peaceful presence in every conversation. Amen.
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