Daily D – Psalm 37:21-22

by | Feb 6, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 37:21, 22 
The wicked person borrows and does not repay, 
but the righteous one is gracious and giving. 
Those who are blessed by the Lord will inherit the land, 
but those cursed by him will be destroyed. (CSB)

Wicked borrows and never returns; 
Righteous gives and gives. 
Generous gets it all in the end; 
Stingy is cut off at the pass. (MSG)

It’s impossible to read the Bible without seeing God’s generosity and without hearing his instructions for us to imitate him by living generous lives. 

Live graciously.

Live generously. 

Do not live foolishly. Give where giving helps, where it benefits others in a manner that honors God and blesses those who receive. Avoid careless and impulsive giving. Give thoughtfully and prayerfully. 

Graced people give generously.

Graced people become ever-more gracious. 

I will live a gracious and generous life.

Our Father, empower me to live like you. Give me an open-hand, a pure heart, and a prayerful disposition. Grow me in the grace of generosity. Amen. 


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