Daily D – Psalm 30:4-5

by | Jan 30, 2024 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Psalm 30:4, 5
Sing to the Lord, you his faithful ones, 
and praise his holy name. 
For his anger lasts only a moment, 
but his favor, a lifetime. 
Weeping may stay overnight, 
but there is joy in the morning. (CSB)

All you saints! Sing your hearts out to God! 
Thank him to his face! 
He gets angry once in a while, but across 
a lifetime there is only love. 
The nights of crying your eyes out 
give way to days of laughter. (MSG)

God gets good and angry. “He is good,” as the old song says, “all the time.” And “all the time,” the old song says, “he is good.” His anger is good. It is right and proper, expertly timed, perfectly limited, and precisely effective in correcting and redirecting.

God’s favor is better than his anger. It ensures his anger is momentary. It also ensures that his grace endures forever. 

Moments and ages are matters of duration. They are daylight and dark. The darkness before dawn is mercifully brief. The full light of day is eternal.

God’s anger is a gift. Without it, we would seek satisfaction and control through means detrimental to ourselves and others. 

God’s favor is a blessing, a settled goodness we can pass along to others, thereby enriching their lives, their moments and days, directing their paths along God’s chosen ways. 

Cry when you must, knowing laughter is the ultimate expression of souls set free. Grief is temporary. Joy is forever. How could we not sing our praise to the LORD? How could we not express our thanksgiving?

God’s momentary anger redirects our lives into days of laughter. Such days are a warmup, a rehearsal for our settled disposition as we lean toward forever. 

I will grieve when I need to and laugh forever.

Our Father, you fill our lives with joy and laughter. You correct us as often as necessary because you do not want us to hurt ourselves or bring harm to others. You empower us to share delight with those we meet, serve, and relate to at home, at work, and at play. Correct me and redirect me so that I may enter full expression of your gifts of love and laughter. Amen. 


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