Daily D – Proverbs 20:5

Proverbs 20:5
Counsel in a person’s heart is deep water;
but a person of understanding draws it out. (CSB)
A plan in the heart of a person is like deep water,
But a person of understanding draws it out. (NASB)
The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters,
but one who has insight draws them out. (NIV)
Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart;
a wise person draws from the well within. (MSG)
The Book of Proverbs repeatedly offers wise counsel that we should listen more than we speak. The proverbial pundits of the day repeatedly taught that it is never too early to shut up.
This proverb is a smooth, deeply colored gem. Its facets are few, but its value is great. Here, we have a reflection of a person who has taken to heart the wisdom of listening deeply and refraining from speaking hastily. This person’s life is exemplary and attractive. It is fruitful and effective. Inquiring minds want to know what this person knows that we all need to know to live such gracious lives.
It takes precise questions and deep listening to get to the core of someone who walks deeply with God and speaks mostly to him in that inner dialogue of the mind. What questions get us started toward drinking from those deep waters?
* What is God teaching you?
* What are you pondering these days?
* What is your next big goal in life?
* How do you organize your mornings?
* How do you wind down before bedtime?
* Who do you go to for wise counsel?
* What do you want more of or less of?
* What’s next?
When you get a deep-water heart talking, listen. Listen deeply. Listen all the way to the end. This is a wonderful practice filled with an even more wonderful payoff. People almost always hide the most important thing they say at the end of their statement. Again, listen all the way to the end.
Oh, the things you will hear
when you are ruled less by your mouth
and more by your ear!
I will listen deeply to God as I listen deeply to others.
Our Father, empower me to hear what you are saying through the deep water conversations of each day. Give me ears to hear. Keep me slow to speak. Amen.
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