Daily D – Philippians 1:10

Philippians 1:10 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. (NLT)
So much of what is said and done and broadcast simply doesn’t matter, at least not ultimately. How would life be different if we focused on what matters most day by day and moment by moment?
Writing this on a Monday morning, I am now entering one of the most significant weeks of this year. Every day involves important opportunities to serve others in love and extend God’s Kingdom. I previewed the week last night and begin working out the plans for the week now.
The association I work for granted me sabbatic leave this month. This means I get to refocus my life as I prepare for the year ahead. I also get to engage in deep work on a long-unfinished project. Ollie the Border Collie and Millie the Black Dog love it when I work from home. I like it, too. How else would I get to play Upball with Ollie at regular intervals throughout the day? How else would Millie keep our yard squirrel-free during normal office hours?
What really matters in your life today? This week? In the year to come?
If we fill our lives with what matters most, the nagging unnecessities of life have less and less room to clutter our spaces and limit our success.
Sunday evening is a good time to plan your Ideal Week. Monday morning is a good time to begin with an Ideal Day. Monday evening, and every evening afterward, is a good time to review what went right, what went wrong, and what adjustments you need to make for the next day. Some things will require rescheduling. Others will need deleting.
It’s much easier to rest with a well-planned day laid out before you. Mental energy exercised in such a fashion makes peaceful sleep more likely. It makes renewed energy possible. It sets you up for success.
What really matters now is exercise, breakfast, writing, and preparation for training my coworker and I will lead tomorrow. Even the Mondayest of Mondays goes better when we have something to look forward to.
Focus now on what matters most. Remember that knowing and experiencing God in every moment is your one true priority.
I will focus on what matters most.
Our Father, a million leeches seek to suck the life out of this day. Bless me with leech repellent and focused work under your clear direction. Amen.
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