Daily D – Luke 2:9

by | Dec 13, 2023 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Luke 2:9  Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them. They were terrified, . . . (NLT)

The radiance of heaven illuminates more than physical space. The lights likewise come on in our hearts and minds. We suddenly see with new perception. We immediately understand something has changed and will never be the same. 

I wonder if the shepherds in this story, or any who are familiar with this story, ever gazed at the night sky the same way again? 

Were their thoughts fixed on singular points of light in hues of red, blue, yellow, and white? 

Did they ponder constellations and the movement of heavenly bodies? 

Or did they brace themselves in preparation for a reprise of the biggest moment of their lives?

Did they ever get over the startling realization of what they saw, heard, and fully experienced on that night of nights?

Sometimes a single moment, a particular evening, a unique event reshapes the size of our soul. 

Sometimes we see more than we can perceive, we behold more than we can adore, we praise more than we can sing.

Sometimes we walk away in wonder.

Terror turned into truth. Fear led to faith. Obedience led to the very presence of God’s intervention as he began to light up more than a night sky, more than darkened minds, more than a place, a time, and event. 

Those who return from near-death experiences have stories to tell. So do those who have near-life, near-glory experiences. Two thousand years later, we still tell those tales. 

As we gaze into the night sky, let us never forget the glory, the radiance, the story, and the essence of God’s redeeming love. 

I will gaze into the night sky with wonder, awe, and anticipation.

Our Father, radiate your glory upon our souls today. Illumine our hearts and minds. Empower us to see with new eyes, hear with new ears, and kneel on knees honored to experience the very light of life. Amen. 


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