Daily D – Luke 17:14

Luke 17:14 When he saw them, he told them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And while they were going, they were cleansed. (CSB)
Ten men with leprosy “stood at a distance” (verse 12) from Jesus and asked him to heal them. They were doing what culture and medical insight, such as it was, required them to do. They also asked Jesus to have mercy on them (verse 13). He did.
He gave them instructions for their healing (verse 14): “Go and show yourselves to the priests.”
He didn’t pronounce them well.
He didn’t touch them and cleanse their skin.
He simply told them to go and to do what a person was required to do when recovered from a skin disease as outlined in the Mosaic Law. They were to show themselves to the priests who would declare them well, cleansed, and welcome to return to the assembly of God’s people.
When did the healing happen? When they did what he said and started on their way. Obedience unlocked their healing, made them well, and restored them to their families and communities.
Obedience to Jesus is like that. It saves, blesses, and heals. It is not a burdensome load of rules to recite when called upon, or a boatload of rituals to remember. Instead, it is a deepening and abiding relationship of trust and renewal.
What is Jesus’ command for you today?
How will you obey it as you walk along your way?
How will it change what you see and you say?”
How will it enrich how you live and pray?
I will hear and obey Jesus.
Our Father, how may I serve you today? Who will you send me to serve in your name? How may I be part of your answer to someone’s cry for mercy? Amen.
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