Daily D – Exodus 20:6

Exodus 20:6 “But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands.” (NLT)
There are moments when we begin to see patterns and trends previously unnoticed. Then, once we see them, we see them everywhere. Such is the case with the words “unfailing love” in this verse.
The Hebrew word translated as “unfailing love” in the New Living Translation is translated as steadfast love, lovingkindness, mercies, faithfulness, kindness, and love in other translations. You get the idea that one of God’s distinguishing characteristics is Unfailing Love.
You see these words here in the Ten Commandments. You see them as well in Psalm 23:6.
Indeed, if there is one thing this world is chock full of, it’s God’s Unfailing Love.
Notice how God says he lavishes his unfailing love on a thousand generations. His extravagant beneficence fills completely and overflows constantly. We place ourselves in position to receive what he bountifully extends when we love him in return and live according to his clear guidance.
These are good ideas to ponder on this Martin Luther King, Jr. federal holiday, a holiday designated as a day of service. These are good ideas to put into practice as we continue breaking down the barriers sinful behavior built. Tearing down dividing walls expresses God’s lavish love. Demonstrating love and respect, justice and kindness is unfailing love in action.
What other manner of lavish love comes to mind? How and when will you put it into practice?
I will turn my cup up to receive the lavish love our Father in Heaven pours out, and I will offer this refreshment to all who need it.
Our Father, your love is extravagant. Where other gods are depicted tossing lightning bolts at errant subjects, you call us your children and overflow our lives with your gracious goodness. Empower us to live with loving lead measures in everything we do. Amen.
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