Daily D – Psalm 66:20

Blessed be God! He has not turned away my prayer or turned his faithful love from me.
PSALM 66:20 (CSB)
Two things are true now and forever: God hears and answers our prayers. His faithful love endures forever.
Two other psalms come to mind when I read this verse. Psalm 116:1, 2 in the NLT says,
Because he bends down to listen,
I will pray as long as I have breath!
How does God respond to our prayers? He leans in.
Psalm 136:1 begins,
His faithful love endures forever.
This pattern flows across the next twenty-five verses. God’s attributes, character, and activity are placed on display in the first half of the verse. The second half states that this is evidence of his faithful love.
How does God feel about you today? His love endures forever.
Today and every day now and forevermore, know that God leans in to hear your prayer.
Today and every day now and forevermore, know that God’s love for you endures forever.
I will praise God for these twin truths.
Our Father, you invite our prayers. You welcome each one. You hear them with a loving heart. You answer them better than we pray them. We never have to wonder how you feel about us. You settled that forever on the cross, in the resurrection, at the ascension, and on Pentecost. We are forever loved. We are forever heard. How could we not praise you? Amen.
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