Daily D – Psalm 63:1

Psalm 63:1
A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of Judah.
You, God, are my God,
earnestly I seek you;
I thirst for you,
my whole being longs for you,
in a dry and parched land
where there is no water.
My bride and I have taken long hikes twice in the last few years where we did not carry enough water with us.
Have you ever walked up ever-steeper hills for an hour and realized you have come to the end of your resources for refreshment?
David knew this feeling well in his life on the run from his murderous father-in-law, King Saul.
There was one thing David wanted more than water, and that was to know and experience God. If he was walking with God, if he was assured of God’s watchcare over him, he could face anything, he could overcome any challenge. If he lived in alignment and attunement with God’s mission for his life, he knew things would turn out well no matter how bad they were at that moment.
David reframed his lack of resources into a reminder of his dependence on God for every good and perfect gift. David had experienced again and again how God provides wherever he guides. He knew how every step with God is a step closer to everything he needed.
What pressure or problem do you need to reframe today?
What is squeezing you dry? What is beating you down? What is tearing you up?
Allow those experiences to drive you closer to God. Like David, let God know he is your fondest hope, your greatest desire. Find refreshment in nothing else. Do not allow an easier path to a lesser goal attempt to satisfy your soul.
I will drink deep drafts of God’s goodness.
Our Father, I find in you everything I need and more. I will walk with you trusting you to provide what I need when I need it. Stretch me. Grow me. Show me again and again how dependence on you is amply rewarded by your supply of a deep and abiding relationship. The closer I get to you, the less I worry about what I need. The more I feel dry, empty, and alone, the more I experience your goodness, grace, and mercy. You are worth the wait. I depend on you. Amen.
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