Daily D – Psalm 34:14

Psalm 34:14 Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it. (NLT)
Our lives are most often about as peaceful as we want them to be. Since we tend to find what we are looking for, “Search for peace, and work to maintain it.”
We can have peace, or we can win an argument.
We can have peace, or we can have our say.
We can have peace, or we can remind others who is in charge here.
Feel like arguing? How about holding your peace instead?
Feel like you must say something? How about turning your passion into a prayer?
Feel like your authority is being challenged? How about demonstrating the peaceful presence of truth under control?
I will search for peace and work to maintain it.
Our Father, bless us with the peace of your presence at all times and in all things. Empower us to live in peace will all people as far as it depends on us. Amen.
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