Daily D – Psalm 147:10-11

He is not impressed by the strength of a horse; he does not value the power of a warrior. The LORD values those who fear him, those who put their hope in his faithful love.
PSALM 147:10-11 (CSB)
He’s not impressed with horsepower;
the size of our muscles means little to him.
Those who fear GOD get GOD’s attention;
they can depend on his strength.
(The Message)
Someone ought to write a story called, The Tale of Two Strengths. It could include details of the demonstrations of horsepower and loud exhaust systems on the street behind our house. Apparently, there are those who believe the louder their vehicles and the faster their speed, the more personally powerful they are.
This story could also include those who use personal power to move others out of the way so that their will is done and their kingdom is come. Maybe you have noticed that some people have to be in charge. If they are not in charge, they become pirates and overthrow those who are in charge so that they can take over. This overthrow is necessary so that people can see how good and wise and kind and gracious they and their rules are.
These and other demonstrations of strength should be viewed from God’s perspective. He is not impressed with our horsepower. He is not impressed with our bench-press prowess. He is not impressed by how fit and trim and well-groomed we are. He is not impressed with our personal magnetism and influence.
Our Father in heaven is looking for people who see him for who he is and who trust him for all they need. Such people joyfully acknowledge and faithfully declare with the Apostle Paul that, “God’s foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is stronger than human strength,” (1 Corinthians 1:25).
God is God and I am not. I am weak, but he is strong. All my trust is in him.
I will live in reverent awe of our Father in heaven.
Our Father, you made and named the stars. You shaped this beautiful world. Your power is vast. Your understanding is without limit. You alone are God. You have no equal, no competitor. You are known by your love. You are adored for your gift of salvation. What delight to belong to you! Amen.
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