Daily D – Psalm 133:1

by | Nov 24, 2020 | Daily D | 0 comments

How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! PSALM 133:1 (NLT)


How wonderful, how beautiful, when brothers and sisters get along!
The Message

Rodney King famously asked, “Can’t we all just get along?” The riots, beatings, murder, and mayhem which followed the abuse he received at the hands of several Los Angeles police officers were devastating to the city, especially to neighborhoods that were already challenged by many difficulties.

Too often we settle for tearing down CHAZ rather than seeking common ground and solutions that heal hurts and close divides. It appears as though some people are deeply invested in discord. Riots and rage do not accomplish their stated purposes. Instead, they further entrench ideological opposites.

What brings healing, hope, and the possibility of productive change? As a song based on this text says, “harmony, unity, and love.” The word translated _harmony_ in the NLT and CSB is translated _unity_ in the ESV and NIV. We cannot enjoy harmony or unity without the common core of God’s love.

Teams, groups, and families are more capable of containing the presence and power of God than scattered individuals and lonesome prophets. Working together works. Cooperation requires less ego and more we-go. Collaboration involves more working and less supervising.

Between now and Inauguration Day, we will hear a great deal about change. Deep, lasting, and truly beneficial change only occurs when people work together for the good of everyone. This kind of cooperation and collaboration is rare. Considering the ground already staked out by the opposing political parties, it is quite likely there will not be much durative change in the next few years.

Pick a problem. Gather kindred hearts. Develop solutions. Change the world one life at a time. You may be pleasantly surprised at how much can be accomplished by a few like-minded friends working together in harmony, unity, and love.


I will build harmony and unity.


Our Father, give us common purpose on issues that matter most. Give us kindred hearts to join together in seeking change that brings healing and hope. Give us deference and determination. Give us unity, harmony, and love. Amen.


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