Daily D – Matthew 2:19-20

Matthew 2:19, 20 After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who were trying to take the child’s life are dead.” (NIV)
The Christmas story is filled with excitement and drama. The first years of Jesus’ life were like something out of a thriller.
Through lots of details summarized in a few simple verses, Joseph and Mary, with Jesus, returned home to Nazareth.
Our home was filled with relatives and dogs all weekend. Our new granddaughter was the star of the show. Everyone wanted a smile or a chuckle from this permanently pleasant four-month-old. Of course, she loves me best.
Tonight, our home only has two inhabitants and two dogs. It feels larger. It is certainly quieter and much less busy. Our dogs are dog tired.
Christmas Day is now a memory. There are 364 shopping days to the next one.
Christmas Eve found me in an unfamiliar place. I had not watched A Charlie Brown Christmas or It’s a Wonderful Life. I still haven’t. I still haven’t listened to The Messiah or many of my other favorite Christmas carols.
It’s past my bedtime again. A medical procedure will start my day with an early alarm, followed by a nice nap, a drive home for brunch, and then another nice nap.
Today began with laughter and ends with silence. Each charms in its own unique way.
It’s past my bedtime, as noted earlier. Sometimes precious memories keep us lingering over the moments and rob us of sleep. That’s why we call tomorrow Two-Nap Tuesday.
I will sleep fast and nap as often as necessary.
Our Father, it’s quiet now. Thank you for this gift. As an old book that came as a special present says, there is laughter in the walls. We filled the empty spaces with joy. Thank you for laughter and silence, babies and senior adults, children of all ages, and loved ones who are here now alongside those who inhabit memories formed long ago in similar seasons. Amen.
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