Daily D – Mark 16:6-7

by | Nov 14, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

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Mark 16:6, 7  “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’ ” (NIV)

Jesus had unfinished business with Peter. He has unfinished business with you and me also. Aren’t you glad he finishes what he starts? 

Judas was dead. Peter was on the outside looking in. Of the group of apostles, only one was particularly singled out by the angel who spoke to the women at the empty tomb on Resurrection Morning. 

Jesus wanted to see Peter. If you were Peter, how would you feel? Can you imagine how Peter felt when the women told the apostles this news? 

Remember who wrote this. Mark, aka John Mark, the guy who deserted Barnabas and Paul, the guy Paul refused to take on the second missionary journey (Acts 15:36-41). Barnabas, the guy who God used to redeem Paul after his conversion, took Mark and began the work of redemption in his life. 

So here we have two deserters: Mark and Peter. Peter told Mark his stories which largely shaped Mark’s Gospel. Two men twice redeemed no doubt wept and prayed and laughed together. There’s a good chance they had some chuckles at how intense Paul was in his younger years. 

Redemption was not the end of the story for these men and Paul. Some of Paul’s famous last words found in 2 Timothy 4:11 say, “Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry.”

Redemption, restoration, and reconciliation are hallmarks of the good news of Jesus. Not a soul you know is beyond redemption. Not a separated heart is beyond restoration. Not a broken relationship is beyond reconciliation when the good news reigns in the hearts of those separated by previous sin. 

Jesus had unfinished business with John Mark. He had a story to tell. That story brings the gift of salvation to men, women, and children every day of every year.

Jesus had unfinished business with Peter. His restoration is at least as well-known as his failure. He who would have been on Judas’ list of last-place disciples in the competition for who would be first, became the especially-empowered apostle to the Jews and everyone he had once considered unclean. (See Acts 10.)

Jesus had unfinished business with Paul. Scales fell from his eyes empowering him to see Jesus for who he really is (Acts 9:1-19). Barnabas rescued him from a murder plot against him (verses 23—21). He then took him to Antioch where amazing things were happening by the hand of God (Acts 11:19-26). For a whole year, Paul stood at the shoulder of Barnabas. Verse 26 is important. “The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch.”

Jesus has unfinished business with you. You stand in the company of Mark, Peter, and Paul. 

What story do you have to tell about God’s redeeming grace?
What story do you have of restoration?
What story do you have of reconciliation?
Which story do you need to step into now?

Jesus finishes what he starts, and he is not finished with you yet. Please, do not give up before he accomplishes his eternal purpose in your life.

I will yield to Jesus’ unfinished business in my life. 

Our Father, you have me here alone on this cold November morning. What do you need to do in my life today? Give me ears to hear what you have to say. Give me a willing heart to immediately obey. Amen.


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