Daily D – Luke 6:46-47

“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and don’t do the things I say? I will show you what someone is like who comes to me, hears my words, and acts on them: . . .”
LUKE 6:46-47 (CSB)
They are foundation words, words to build a life on.”
The Message
We live in a world full of words. So much talking goes on every day it can drive you insane if you try to pay attention to it all. The wisest among us appear to be those who spend the least amount of time with cable news, news radio, and pointed publications. Social media finds a way to tell us more and more of what we already believe. One source echoes another and the circle is drawn tighter and tighter. Yes, I believe that is the definition of a noose.
There are some words worth pondering again and again, day by day. These are the words of truth and life from Jesus. They are, as he describes here in this paragraph, foundational. How firm is your foundation?
It would do us well to spend time daily reading the world’s words through the lens of Jesus’ words and not the other way around. It is impossible to build a life on political correctness because these are among the sandy foundations Jesus talks about in verse 49. These standards shift pretty quickly. One Hollywood guy this week tried to speak from yesterday’s politically correct standard only to be canceled by today’s standard.
Truth stands the test of time, Proverbs 12:19 tells us. It also says, “Lies are soon exposed” (NLT). If we do not stand on the truth, we will fall for anything, and we will fall hard.
It is incumbent for us to a) know the truth, and b) live truth-shaped lives. We need to know what Jesus says and do what he says. As Peter noted in John 6:68, “You (Jesus) have the words of eternal life.” Eternal beats politically correct every time. Eternal words last forever. They remain true for all people in all places at all times.
How is our commitment to the truth measured? It is in what we do and what we say. (Read Luke 6:43-49). It is in living what we say we believe when we say we believe in Jesus.
I will read the newspaper with Jesus.
Our Father, empower me to see the world from your perspective. Empower me to live what I say I believe. Deliver me from clever lies and faithless living. Amen.
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