Daily D – Luke 18:1

Luke 18:1 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. (NIV)
There is a prayer I will pray until my very last day. It is my fondest hope and deepest dream, and it is not about me. Who will you not give up praying for?
What is so important that you will knock on heaven’s door every single day until God says “Yes” to that one thing most honoring to him and most blessing to others?
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.
The next seven verses give us hope. Now we see an impossible situation, an irredeemable reality. Jesus sees farther and more clearly. Jesus says, “Don’t give up.”
Jesus says, “Don’t ever give up.”
Then he talks about Pharisees. Don’t give up on Pharisees.
Then he talks about tax collectors. Don’t give up on tax collectors.
Then he talks about children. Don’t give up on children.
Then he talks to a rich man. Don’t give up on rich people.
Then he talks to a blind beggar who had been waiting for this moment for who knows how long. He didn’t give up on Jesus. Jesus didn’t give up on him.
“What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied. Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God.” (Luke 18:41-43)
Keep following Jesus. Continue trusting. Relentlessly pray.
I will ask, seek, and knock every day until God says “Yes” or I am carried away.
Our Father, you know who and what are on my heart. I bring them to you every day. I know you love those I love more than I do. I know you are drawing them to yourself. I want them to receive their sight and follow Jesus. Please remove the blinders from their eyes. Please soften their hardened hearts. Please. Amen.
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