Daily D – Luke 11:27-28

As he was saying these things, a woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to him, “Blessed is the womb that bore you and the one who nursed you!” He said, “Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.”
LUKE 11:27-28 (CSB)
Our family has elevated status with a particular hotel brand by virtue of years of traveling and using their credit card to earn points. The same is true for our hometown airline. These statuses have not done us much good the last year or so. Status is nice; experience is better.
Jesus’ mother Mary has a pretty unique status, wouldn’t you say? It is a status none of us will ever attain. However, we can do what she did. She heard God’s word of invitation and humbly accepted his mission for her life. She said Yes to God.
You and I can hear God’s words of truth and life and respond like her. We can know and experience God. This kind of life does not bring much status in the world we live in today, but it does guarantee ultimate status in heaven. A credit card company may give you a gold card. In heaven, streets are made out of gold.
Knowing and experiencing God ourselves is ever so much better than wishing we walked in Mary’s shoes.
This offer is open to all who apply. You and I can stop reading about other people’s experiences with God and experience our own.
Know God’s words of truth and life. Do what they say. Live a life of God’s dreams for you.
There is no higher status we can receive than Child of God.
I will know and experience God.
Our Father, thank you for giving us the privilege of ultimate status, of knowing and experiencing you as our Father in heaven. Teach us your words of truth and life. Align our lives with your truth. Attune our hearts to your grace. May we know you and experience you in the rhythms and routines of this day. Amen.
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