Daily D – Leviticus 5:1

by | Feb 14, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Leviticus 5:1  ‘If anyone sins because they do not speak up when they hear a public charge to testify regarding something they have seen or learned about, they will be held responsible.

Passengers were boarding the plane delivering us from San Diego to Fort Worth when a pretty young woman whose seat was next to the window in my row stopped to place her bag in the overhead storage. However, she had a meal container in her hands. 

Seeing her dilemma, I asked if I might assist her. She smiled and handed me the cardboard box and asked, “Would you mind holding my sandwich? It is too good to mess up.”

I dutifully held her sandwich as she wrestled her bag into the bin. This is not what I expected when I offered my assistance. A large man sat between us and fell fast asleep as soon as we were airborne. I never got to see what kind of sandwich I had held. 

Cecil Ray is a name familiar to some in Southern Baptist circles of a certain age. He wrote several books one of which was entitled, Living the Responsible Life. This title comes to mind when reading this verse from Leviticus. 

For community life to work, each of us has to live responsibly. We are responsible to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth regarding what we see and hear. We are responsible to God and we are responsible to those involved in whatever matter is before us. 

Community is fractured when truthfulness is not a common value. Anyone who misuses the truth in any way damages our ability to get along with one another peacefully and productively. 

Our relationship with God is hindered when we hurt ourselves and others through any lack of responsibility. 

Some people live more responsibly than others. Responsible lives accomplish more of enduring value. 

This is a simple truth. Practiced faithfully, it makes possible many good results. This reminder today could be the nudge we need along the way. Let us commit to ourselves, to one another, and to God the ways of responsible living.

I will live a responsible life.

Our Father, I want to honor you and serve others by living a responsible life. May others find me dependable and trustworthy. Amen. 


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