Daily D – John 12:20-22

Now some Greeks were among those who went up to worship at the festival. So they came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and requested of him, “Sir, we want to see Jesus.” Philip went and told Andrew; then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus.
JOHN 12:20-22 (CSB)
Lazarus lived. Verses 17-19 tell us two sides of this story. As Jesus entered Jerusalem for the Passover festival, there were two different perspectives. There were those who let everyone know what he had done for Lazarus and those who wanted to see Jesus because of this (verses 17 and 18). Then there were those who were angry and wanted to kill Jesus because of this (verse 19).
Among those who wanted to see Jesus were Greeks who went up to worship at the festival (verse 20). When they approached Philip they said, “Sir, we want to see Jesus,” (verse 21).
John the Baptizer said in 3:30 that Jesus must become greater and greater and that he must become less and less. The Pharisees were right. “You see? You’ve accomplished nothing. Look, the world has gone after him!” (Verse 19). More Jesus, please.
The more people see Jesus as he is, the more attracted they are too him. Sadly, the way Jesus is often portrayed in the media or mediated through some believers, Jesus is not that interesting. A helpful guide to understand Jesus is John Ortberg’s book, Who Is This Man? Jesus really is the Most Interesting Man in the World. He is the Most Interesting Man Ever.
A good prayer is to use the words of the Greeks and say, “Our Father, we want to see Jesus.” There’s an old hymn called More About Jesus. It is worth looking up, singing, and praying. The more we see Jesus for who he is, the more we want to see of Jesus.
More Jesus, please.
I will seek to know Jesus better and better.
Our Father, may John’s testimony be ours. May our lives declare more about Jesus and less about us. Amen.
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