Daily D – John 11:11

by | Oct 23, 2021 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

He said this, and then he told them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I’m on my way to wake him up.”
JOHN 11:11 (CSB)


I felt a tap tap on my wrist at 3 AM. My alarm was set for 6 because I have a meeting in Dallas this morning. When I reached to turn off the alarm on my Apple Watch, I realized I had left it charging when I got ready for bed. 

I did not know what time it was until I got out of bed, turned on the light, and walked across the room to where my phone was charging. Down the stairs I went to our bedroom and then to the bathroom to retrieve my watch. I did not want to oversleep, which is not likely with two dogs whose stomach clocks are much more finely attuned than my watch. 

I have been sleeping upstairs while my bride had COVID and as she is recovering. I also received a COVID booster shot and was afraid I would disturb her last night. 

Safely back in bed, CPAP mask on, I curled up for three more hours before the alarm. Sometime around 4 AM, I finally drifted off again. I got a lot of praying done during that hour. 

When the alarm did go off at 6 o’clock, I arose feeling like I needed a double dose of coffee directly injected into my veins. A coffee IV sounded like a good idea. You have no doubt had similar experiences.

Then there are those days when you cannot wait to get up. You go to bed early so the time will pass faster. Those are good days. 

One of the delights of parenting is awakening your children on special occasions. It often takes a bit for the tumblers to fall into place and they realize something special is going on. When they awaken enough to appreciate the moment, they come to full alertness and instant anticipation. 

Lazarus was asleep, Jesus said. Then he explained that he was dead when his disciples misunderstood him (verses 13 and 14). Then Jesus said, “I’m on my way to wake him up.”

One of these days, Jesus is going to wake us up. 

This is a thought worth pondering.


I will go to sleep with a smile knowing one glad morning, Jesus will awaken me to a bright, beautiful, eternal day.


Our Father, thank you for deep and peaceful sleep. Thank you that we can live and work from a place of rest rather than resting from our work. Thank you that one day we will awaken for the last time. Amen. 


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