Daily D – Job 28:28

by | Jan 10, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Job 28:28  And he said to the human race,
“The fear of the Lord—that is wisdom,
and to shun evil is understanding.” 

The New International Version (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2011), Jn 17:20–23.

And this is what he says to all humanity:
‘The fear of the Lord is true wisdom;
to forsake evil is real understanding.’”

(New Living Translation)

What is the “fear of the Lord”? It is loving reverence for God. It is attentive reverence to what he says. It is obedient reverence for what he asks and commands. It leads to walking in his ways (Deuteronomy 8:6). It leads to serving others by serving him (Joshua 24:14). 

The fear of the Lord is wholehearted devotion (2 Chronicles 19:9). It is separating from evil (Proverbs 3:7, 8). It is reverence greater than all our fear (Psalm 112). It is reverence reminding us of the truth that God knows all, sees all, is the judge of all, who knows all about us and loves us anyway (Matthew 10:26-31).

True wisdom is reverence for who God is. True wisdom is understanding God is God, and we are not. 

True wisdom is more than a course of study, it is a life to live (Matthew 7:21-29). The mine where wisdom is found and acquired is Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:24 and Colossians 2:3). 

This is a good day to gain and to deploy wisdom. Live reverently. Know the will and ways of Jesus. Hear what he says. Do as he instructs.

I will search reverently for wisdom by knowing and experiencing Jesus through his Word and by his leading. 

Our Father, please give me wisdom to fit me for all that lies before me today and all the days for the rest of my life. I need your clear direction. I want to hear you clearly and to obey you immediately. Amen. 


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