Daily D – Exodus 3:6

Then he continued, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God. EXODUS 3:6 (CSB)
The first time Moses met God, he hid his face. Later we will read how Moses had to cover his face with a veil because he glowed with glory after spending time alone with God.
There are a couple of lessons here. There is not much need to point them out. They are self-evident, aren’t they?
Exodus 2 ends with two words: God knew. Exodus 3 and 4 fills in some of the details of what God knew. The penultimate verse of Exodus 2 says, “God remembered.” Our Father in heaven is no absent-minded professor. He is not so focused on one thing that he forgets all about everything else. When we read that God remembers, it is an indication that he is taking action.
God made promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The delay in fulfilling those promises was not a denial. Instead, everything happened according to God’s timetable, according to his plan.
Moses was a man with a past and knew he was unqualified for what God was asking him to do. Moses also had a future and God would equip him with all he needed to succeed in all that was before him.
Moses asked, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” God reframed the conversation. He said, “I will certainly be with you,” (verses 11, 12). When we live on mission with God, we never go alone.
Dear Moses, Dear David, Dear (insert your name here), it’s not about you. It’s all about God. It’s about his plan, his power, his eternal purpose. Nothing can stop God’s purpose. Nothing can oppose his power. Nothing is better than his plan for your life.
God observes, God hears, God knows, God rescues, God provides (verses 7, 8). How can you join God in what he is doing? How open are you to being part of his answer to the problems around us? How willing are you to fulfill his purpose for you in this time and this place?
Moses hid from God the first time he saw him. Moses met with God face to face later on. Our Father in heaven does not want Moses to be the exception to the rule. He wants you and me to know his presence, his power, and his purpose. He wants to make you glow with his glory.
I will meet with God day by day and follow his purpose all of my way.
Our Father, you know. You remember. I want to know you as deeply and personally as you know me. I want to remember your purpose for my life at all times, in all things. I want to glow with your glory. Amen.
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