Daily D – Esther 4:14

by | Sep 23, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

Esther 4:14  “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (NIV)

Beyond your many opportunities, past the vast possibilities before you, at your very essence, why are you here? What is your ultimate contribution?

If it’s to grab all you can and to do only what you want to do, your ultimate contribution is equivalent to the worst kinds of crimes. 

If it’s to live in ease and to seek only pleasure, your ultimate contribution will exhaust resources without increasing value. 

If it’s to control more and more and to care less and less, your ultimate contribution will be a stranglehold that chokes life and meaning from others. 

If it’s to know and experience God, your ultimate contribution will express and extend every good and perfect gift God places in your hands. You will magnify goodness and amplify kindness. You will maximize light and extinguish darkness. You will be celebrated for eternity for giving others life worth celebrating now. 

There is only one good and right way to enrich yourself in this world. It is to enrich the lives of everyone you meet. 

One more time: Why on earth are you here? What is your ultimate contribution?

I will know and experience God so that others may know and experience God in all of his grace, mercy, goodness, kindness, and love. 

Our Father, it’s not about me. Make me a mirror reflecting your glory and goodness. Make me a blessing that others may see you as the source of every good and perfect gift. Make me a voice of truth, justice, hope, and salvation. Empower me to live the kind of life maximized in value to everyone I meet. Amen. 


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