Daily D – Ephesians 2:6-7

Ephesians 2:6, 7 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. (NIV)
Perhaps the most neglected doctrine of Christianity is kindness. Jesus is unfailingly kind. He is better than nice. He is more joyful than happy. His peace overflows from his presence. His love is great. His mercy is rich. His grace saves even me.
How do you know other people are in Christ and are allowing Jesus to shape them into his likeness? We see it in their eyes. We hear it in their speech. We feel it in their touch. We are refreshed by them as they are refreshed by Jesus.
If you really, really want a better world, let Jesus reshape your life. Allow him to build his kindness into your heart and soul. Invite him to do so. Anticipate that he is doing so. Lead every thought, every idea, every conversation, every interaction with a positive answer to this important question: What is the kindest action or response for this moment?
Some will not acknowledge your kindness. Be kind anyway.
Some will take advantage of your kindness. Be kind anyway.
Some will use your kindness against you. Be kind anyway.
Some will ask you why you are so nice. Be kind and explain how Jesus is reshaping your life.
Some will reject Jesus because they think you cannot persist in such constant kindness. Make it your ambition to begin, to continue, and to end your every day and every interaction with kindness.
Kindness is more persuasive than sermons.
Kindness is more enduring than lessons learned from a book.
Kindness is more beautiful than art.
Kindness reveals us as masterpieces of God’s grace. (See verse 10.)
When people habitually experience kindness from us, they see beyond the behavior to our savior. Warm up your witness with kindness.
I will master the theology of kindness.
Our Father, it was your kindness that took me from where I was and has led me to this place. May your kindness have its full effect in my life now and always. Amen.
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