Daily D – Deuteronomy 8:4

Your clothing did not wear out, and your feet did not swell these forty years.
Where God guides, God provides.
For forty years, as the people of Israel wandered in the wilderness on the way to the Promised Land, God provided miracle food, miracle water, and miracle clothing. He provided what they needed in that dry and barren land.
One day soon, miracle food and water and clothing would come to an end. As they accomplished their mission of leaving Egypt and arriving in the Promised Land, they would take care of these things for themselves. God would continue providing for them. From then on, he would provide them with all the resources they required to take care of themselves (verses 7-10).
Their mission was the wind at their backs. Their vision of the land that lay before them was a bungee cord drawing them forward into a special future. God provides for every step of the mission. He provides for every need at the destiny.
Where God guides, God provides.
Where is he leading you today? What do you need for the journey? What will you require when you arrive?
I will trust God to guide me and to provide for me as I follow his steps.
Our Father, show me the way I should go. I trust you to take care of me now and always as I follow your steps. Amen.
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