Daily D – 2 Chronicles 27:1-2

2 Chronicles 27:1, 2 Jotham was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Jerushah daughter of Zadok. He did what was right in the LORD’s sight just as his father Uzziah had done. In addition, he didn’t enter the LORD’s sanctuary, but the people still behaved corruptly. (CSB)
Every text has a context. Today’s verse on the Advent calendar as presented by the YouVersion Bible app is Isaiah 9:2. Recall what happened in Isaiah 6:1-8. King Uzziah has died. His son Jotham succeeded him. Uzziah and Jotham were good kings. Ahaz followed Jotham (see 2 Chronicles 28). “He did not do what was right in the LORD’s sight like his master David (2 Chronicles 28:1, 2).
Jotham learned a thing or two from his father Uzziah. First, do the right thing. Second, don’t get too big for your britches. (See 2 Chronicles 26:16-21 for the rest of that story.)
a) did what he should do, and
b) did not do what he should not do.
This is a pretty good formula for getting the right results in most cases. Notice the last half of the last sentence of verse 2: “but the people still behaved corruptly.”
Take the right lead measures. Avoid sinful compromise. Realize that some people will still act in their own perceived best interest. They will choose the wrong path if they think they can get a personal edge. They will take an easier path to a lesser goal.
You may have heard that there is a pretty big price to pay for not learning the lessons of history. It sure looks like our world has set its heart on repeating the same mistakes it has made before.
Darkness gathers. Before we get all dramatic with the doom and gloom, which is easy to do and hard not to do, let’s remember who is in charge here.
In the darkness, light shines more brightly.
have seen a great light;
a light has dawned
on those living in the land of darkness.
Darkness is not the end of the story. Between now and the dawn of that Day, however, storm clouds will gather. Bad things will happen. Old rules will be written over with new permissiveness. Protective boundaries will decay. Politicians will politic. Rabble rousers will raise rabble. God’s patient love will provide every necessary opportunity for repentance.
Judgment will come. Restoration will follow. A remnant will be saved.
Keep reading all the way to the end of the prophets. Keep reading all the way to the end of Revelation. Keep faithful to the one who has always saved those who endure to the end.
Politics will not create heaven on earth. Rabble rousing will not remove the stains of the past by newer, more ingrained stains. One hundred and forty characters of brilliance will not bring clarity. Injustice is not corrected by more injustice.
Truth stands the test of time (Proverbs 12:19). God’s faithful love endures forever (Psalm 136).
The end of the story displays God’s perfect love and eternal light.
Feel free to return to the news of the day with this important clarification. Keep this lens handy. Learn to see what will be through the haze of what is.
I will stay focused on the light.
Our Father, the evil one and his progeny and enablers lie so smoothly and so well. Their half truths play to vanity and prejudice and lowest-common-denominator ideology. Empower us to turn away from this diet of doom and destruction. Teach us to feast on your words of truth and life. Fill our lives with your illuminating presence. Use us to show the way to a better world. Amen.
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