Daily D – 1 Kings 4:25

by | May 31, 2022 | Daily D | 0 comments

David G Bowman Logo

1 Kings 4:25  During Solomon’s lifetime Judah and Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, lived in safety, everyone under their own vine and under their own fig tree.

Peace is possible with wise leadership. 

Read 1 Kings 3 and 4 and see how Solomon began his reign. He began with a request for wisdom which God granted in abundance. (See 3:4-15.) Wisdom led people to trust Solomon. They had confidence he would make good decisions benefiting everyone. 

We see Solomon’s wise organizational structure in 1 Kings 4. He was the wisest man in the world, and he had a full staff of advisors to help him with his blind spots. He could not be everywhere all the time. He placed trusted leaders where they needed to be for able administration of the whole country. 

The result?

The people of Judah and Israel were as numerous as the sand on the seashore; they ate, they drank and they were happy. 
‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭4:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬

What would be different in our communities, churches, and various levels of government if we sought out the wisest leaders instead of the loudest and most obnoxious? What if we stopped rewarding those who simply hang around forever doing their party’s bidding? What if character mattered more than money? What if effectiveness accompanied by integrity was the rule of our day?

These are thoughts worth thinking.

Here’s another: What if you and I became this kind of leader? What would that look like?

  1. Seek God’s wisdom. 
  2. Surround yourself with people who can see what you cannot.
  3. Do what is right, just, fair, and compassionate for all people everywhere. 
  4. Prize peace over pugnacity. 

I will seek God’s wisdom in everything I am and all I do. 

Our Father, please give us wisdom. Please bless us with leaders of wisdom and character. Please deliver us from the mess we are in. Amen. 


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