Daily D – Proverbs 13:20

The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm.
Fortunate is the person who has wise friends. I benefit greatly from wise relatives, coworkers, and friends. I meet monthly with three friends in an unplanned, unscripted conversation. We discuss what is going on in our individual worlds and seek wisdom from one another.
A few months ago, I mentioned an issue I struggle with more than I should. They ask me about this each month with genuine curiosity. They offer advice only to the degree I ask for it. They ask good coaching questions to help me process my thinking differently than I normally do. This is extremely helpful.
Who are the wise people in your life? Do you connect with them regularly?
I heard a guy say one time, “Use all the brains you have and all you can borrow.” This is wise advice.
Whose brains will you borrow today? How can you turn that into a life-giving habit?
I will seek for what is good.
Our Father, thank you for surrounding me with wise men and women. Give me ears to hear what they have to say. Give me the self-discipline to go to them as often possible to find wisdom to reshape my thinking and to enhance my effectiveness. Amen.
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